Fern Mallis

Fern Mallis

Fern Mallis

HP Celebrates Collaboration With The Much Anticipated Sex and the City 2 by HP PC

Fern Mallis of Fern Mallis LLC, recipient of the Fashion Maverick award, Kevin Burke of the AAFA with Suzanne & Bob Wright by autismspeaks_official

Barbie Gets Makeover for 50th Birthday by mawphoto.com

Fern Mallis at Diane von Furstenberg by Gastro Chic

Design Panel in New York City by HP PC

An Afternoon with Fern Mallis by SCAD - The University for Creative Careers

Season Finale For Bravofashion Show Special Guests Real Housewives Of Ny And NJ by annabellemeow

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Fern Mallis by smoothdude

Lincoln Restaurant Opening as part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week by MediaPost Communications

tommyhilfiger-cherylbemis by FashionablyConnected

missnewyork-cherylbemis by FashionablyConnected

newyork-fox5 by FashionablyConnected

fernmallis-cherylbemis by FashionablyConnected

kendrascott-cherylbemis by FashionablyConnected

cheryl-melissa-nyfw by FashionablyConnected

cheryl-bemis-kim-iverson-giacomo-forbes by FashionablyConnected

Issac-mizrahi-cherylbemis by FashionablyConnected

cheryl-bemis-Anthony-Camargo by FashionablyConnected

qvc-albanyirvin-cheryl-bemis- by FashionablyConnected

Senior Vice President of IMG Fashion Fern Mallis by HP PC

HP Celebrates Collaboration With The Much Anticipated Sex and the City 2 by HP PC

Design panel discussing fashion and technology by HP PC

AriseNewYorkBackstage009 by brphotocreations

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Steve Sadove, Joyce Brown, Fern Mallis, Jason Wu by askmelissa.com

New York Fashion Week 2011 by VegaTeam

New York Fashion Week 2011 by VegaTeam

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Fern Mallis at SCAD Style by SCAD - The University for Creative Careers

Fashion Week Fall 2009 by brphotocreations

Fashion Week Fall 2009 by brphotocreations

The Theatre at Lincoln Center by FIJI Water

Michele Ateyeh, Fern Mallis, Susan Blumenthal by International Women's Health Coalition

Fern Mallis by SCAD - The University for Creative Careers

Fern Mallis by SCAD - The University for Creative Careers

Fern Mallis by SCAD - The University for Creative Careers

An Afternoon with Fern Mallis by SCAD - The University for Creative Careers

Season Finale For Bravofashion Show Special Guests Real Housewives Of Ny And NJ by annabellemeow

HP Sex and the City 2 Advanced Screening and After Party by HP PC

HP Sex and the City 2 Advanced Screening and After Party by HP PC

New York Fashion Week, IFB "Tweet Up" February 12, 2010 by CMYKaboom!

New York Fashion Week, IFB "Tweet Up" February 12, 2010 by CMYKaboom!

New York Fashion Week, IFB "Tweet Up" February 12, 2010 by CMYKaboom!

New York Fashion Week, IFB "Tweet Up" February 12, 2010 by CMYKaboom!

New York Fashion Week, IFB "Tweet Up" February 12, 2010 by CMYKaboom!

Phillip Bloch talking to Fern Mallis by stylesegment

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence


200011-fashion-targets-breast-cancer-sp (9) by glamgisele

Fern Mallis and Joye by bradwalsh

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Jaguar Diversity Affluence Brunch Series by DiversityAffluence

Fern Mallis & Tom Moran (Chairman of Concern Worldwide US) by dynamist

75277098NT005_Havaianas_Par by Havaianas US

Fern Mallis at Authors In Kind 2011 by God's Love We Deliver

Bethann Hardison, Fern Mallis and Edward Wilkerson by Interactive Jaguar

Fern Mallis

Fern Mallis

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→Fern Mallis
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