I know it was just a month ago that I first posted about Lily Elsie, but I find her so beautiful that I had to do another post so soon!

Lily Elsie (LE): They called me Little Elsie.
Spencer Edwards (SE): It may be supposed, then, that you commenced your professional career when quite a child?
LE: That was so. I sang ballads. Some friends were flattering enough to call me the infant Patti.
SE: And you took to the stage, I suppose, as the duck takes to water?
LE: Well, I played in the pantomime Red Riding Hood [at the Queen's Theatre, Manchester, Christmas 1896] when I was only eleven years of age, and, subsequently, I went to the [music] halls. My first regular engagement for theatrical work was a tour of M'Kenna's Firtation [a farce by E. Selden, first produced at the Opera House, Coventry, 1 August 1892].
SE: A natural sequence, I see. First the flirtation, then regular 'engagements,' and now the honeymoon - A Chinese Honeymoon.
LE: You may put it that way if you like (laughing sweetly).

Lily Elsie with her toy terrier dog.
LE: There, mamma, that's what I should like to do when I'm a woman!' Of course, there was an indignant chorus of the 'hush' sort, and the wonder was that I was not led out and taken home in disgrace. - (Lily proclaiming to her Mama that she wants to be an actress at the age of 8)
These are just snippets from an interview with Lily Elsie. (Credits and links to follow)
Credits: G. Spencer Edwards, The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, London, Saturday, 28 May 1904. { Full Interview }

Lily Elsie (LE): They called me Little Elsie.
Spencer Edwards (SE): It may be supposed, then, that you commenced your professional career when quite a child?
LE: That was so. I sang ballads. Some friends were flattering enough to call me the infant Patti.
SE: And you took to the stage, I suppose, as the duck takes to water?
LE: Well, I played in the pantomime Red Riding Hood [at the Queen's Theatre, Manchester, Christmas 1896] when I was only eleven years of age, and, subsequently, I went to the [music] halls. My first regular engagement for theatrical work was a tour of M'Kenna's Firtation [a farce by E. Selden, first produced at the Opera House, Coventry, 1 August 1892].
SE: A natural sequence, I see. First the flirtation, then regular 'engagements,' and now the honeymoon - A Chinese Honeymoon.
LE: You may put it that way if you like (laughing sweetly).

Lily Elsie with her toy terrier dog.
LE: There, mamma, that's what I should like to do when I'm a woman!' Of course, there was an indignant chorus of the 'hush' sort, and the wonder was that I was not led out and taken home in disgrace. - (Lily proclaiming to her Mama that she wants to be an actress at the age of 8)
These are just snippets from an interview with Lily Elsie. (Credits and links to follow)
Credits: G. Spencer Edwards, The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, London, Saturday, 28 May 1904. { Full Interview }
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→An Interview With Lily Elsie, London's Most Celebrated Beauty of the Edwardian Times
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