Well, Penelope might be my long lost twin when it comes to vintage clothing and collecting. (Sorry, that's a tad creepy to say...) But, I must note that I own the same bunny mask (I was the "White Rabbit" for Halloween last year) and I too own hat boxes and that same traveling case (although mine is caramel colored). Hmmm... and the vintage pictures pinned up with clothespin, why, I've got the very same motif above my desk!
Anyhow, without further ado...
{ She Wears Vintage }
Pink lace drop-waist dress: Goodwill
Blue Blazer: Via Strawberry Koi Vintage
Antique Pocket Watch: An heirloom from my great grandfather
Brown ankle bow heels: Thrifted
Vintage hat: Local antique shop
Suitcase: Antique shop
Needlepoint purse: Antique shop
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→She Wears Vintage: Penelope Nightengale
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